Alternative Careers for Lawyers

The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is part of the Government Legal Service. Specifically, it undertakes operational work in the justice system and constitutional and legal policy work. This means, for example, the operational running of courts and tribunals, running prisons and the wider penal system, civil and criminal law policy, legal aid policy and regulation of legal services, reforming the constitution to keep it relevant (e.g. parliamentary reform, election policy, devolution matters), human rights and information control law. Lawyers have 'grades' and associated salary bands. There is scope for full-time, part-time, and job-share positions. More senior posts will have managerial responsibilities. Whatever specialisms the Ministry may be looking for in a candidate for a particular position, say employment, experience in public law will be an advantage.

The MoJ (including the Official Solicitors & Public Trustee's Office and the Law Commission) employs around 130 lawyers.

The contact details are provided below for further information, but recruitment for legal positions at the MoJ is done via the GLS and Civil Service recruitment gateways (see under 'Government Legal Service' for contacts).

Ministry of Justice
Petty France
Tel:  +44 (0)20 3334 3555